Here’s a tripod that promises enough length, all the features of a pro tripod for vivid angle different angle shooting as it is totally point to point flexible and yet extremely light weight. With a maximum height of 250 cm and a minimum height of 150 cm, a weight under 420 grams, you can carry it with you on your holidays. It comes with universal mobile and GoPro action camera attachments, this one tripod can take on all the cameras and ensure stable professional images.
Flexible Octopus Tripod, Cell Phone Tripod 12 Inch Gorilla Tripod Tripod Kit (Red, Supports Up to 800 g)
- Designed For: Advanced Point & Shoot Camera, Video Camera, Point & Shoot Camera, Mobile, DSLR/SLR Camera
- Load Capacity: 800 g
- Height Range: 200 mm – 250 mm
- Number of Leg Sections: 3
- Material: Aluminium
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